As if the freekin dungeons weren't easy enough .. Nexus, anomolous will only creat one rift .. down from 3 .. WHY? in UP it only takes 3 harpoons instead of 5 .. WHY? In Old Kingsdom Nadox and the flying chick both get nerfed down to one Add phase!! WHY?!?! New Boss in VOA .. cool.. Violet Hold time between boss and new portal has been decreased .. also very cool.. .. HoS Brann now walks faster .. AWESOME .. stupid dwarves.. ICC - Lich King can be downed .. not that I will ever get into a group to see it done but he is now available. Tried doing first wing of ICC in a 10 man pug with kelsela tank healing.. frantic .. holy crap .. we wiped 5 times before we downed him .. Twice I died of stupid .. once from trying to heal tank while in the blue flame (ehh a penance and a flash heal before I move shouldn't be a problem.. FAIL) and once because I wasn't used to how this pug leader ran it. Other pugs I have always stood on the far circle and avoided the flames and healed from a distance... on this run he had us all run back to the hit box after the whirlwinds.. well once I ran a bit to far and got nailed by the cleave .. oh well .. then we wiped 6 times on the chick after, and I think that was just because no one really had a solid grasp on how to down the adds.. but whatever .. it was a late night .. much later then I normally like .. 330am and then waking up at 630 does not make me a very happy camper for most of the day ..