Way back when I started playing wow, I picked warrior as my first class to play.. I then found out I hated band-aiding myself and potions didn't do enough .. and there is nothing more boring then playing an mmo and sitting and eating roasted boar nuts.. so I quit the game .. for 2 years .. BC came out, WOTLK came out and a buddy of mine started playing so I picked up the game again, he started on another realm, he played a lock, so I figured I would try a paly, I figured might be like a warrior.. with fewer nuts .. Got him to mid 40's then we found out we had a number of other guys that we played weekly poker games with who also played this silly game.. Weird I thought I was the only geek who involved myself in this nonsense. But whatever they were on another realm and had a guild and everything so my buddy transferred, and I was cheap so I rolled a new toon.
Kelsela was born, I was told at 80 healz were always in demand so if I never wanted to have a problems finding pugs roll a healer. So I did, and went with a human chick since, well dude priests are just something I don't want to impersonate. Leveling a priest was slow.. like really slow.. I was going holy the whole way so did I mention it was slow? Looking back I should have focused more shadow, or even disc I think it would have gone faster. I did mostly questing and grinding, and got run through the standard instances for gearing, DM then Stocks, then ZF.. Subject for another post -- All I missed in my rush to hit level 80.. how sad --
Once I hit level 59 and a 9/10ths (it was at that time I was told I could have gone to outlands at 58 and saved myself alot of the annoyances of leveling from 58-60 which was slow.. so god damned slow.. and! to boot the gear you get as soon as you enter the expansion is insane compared to the crap that dropped during the original , same with wotlk so as soon as you qualify you should boogy your toon on to the expansions) I actually got a chance to start healing instances, ramps, that underwater one, and one other one and the game started getting fun.. I am sure I was a sucky holy healer to start but I learned the proper way of pre casting greater heal and then cancelling it by moving when it wasn't needed .. I found Circle of healing to be a fun little spell. I sucked at using divine guardian spell never knew when to cast it, and when tank was low I was always to late to use it because I was always trying to get my greater heal off.... I also spent alot of time looking like an angel and healing after my death .. which not for nothing .. is awesome.. but if I learned how to manage threat and use fade .. it might have been better.. Either way .. something just fealt wrong.
60's came and went and when I plunged into the boean tundra to kill me some bugs. At this point I figured .. wth .. I need to try something new (I have this problem where I always get to the end of a game.. then lose interest right before beating it and starrt something new) but I was determined to make it to 80 .. so I respecced to disc, I did a little reading of the forums .. and I figured why not.. best move.. ever.. leveling and grinding turned fun, I love my bubble, I was bubbling dot'ing up and ramboing away with my wand, and I was killing shit, not going oom, not losing a ton of hps (or any) and I could take on more then one mob at a time. It was awesome.. and this was before I even discovered how uber penance was, before glyphing myself.. oh did I mention I didn't even know to use glyphs until I hit just about 80 .. noob.., without having anything but quest rewards as items.... But I knew the test was going to be healing instances, I went to UK and I went to Nexus, I bubbled everyone constantly .. because thats what I thought I should do .. and then used penance on my tank when he took damage.... and then the tank too more damage.. and I furiously pounded penance, damn cool down it felt like 15 seconds, so I tried to fall back to my old greater heal, and shit the damn spell took even longer to cast then when I was holy.. and I failed.. and I said disc sucks..
But I was determined I read about the glories of a good disc priest, so I read and read some more, Discpriest.com, I like bubbles blog, divine aegis blog .. and it all started to come together .. did some more instances, glyphed into penance, flash heal and pw shield, found a cool little spell called prayer of mending, figured out how to use paint suppresion, found power infusion and found out mages love me on bosses.. stuck greater heal down a very deep hole never to be used again, found out I love crit on my gear.. helllllooooo DA bubble! Found out spirit is a wasted stat for disc, which still rubs me the wrong way .. how do you have a priest that doesn't need spirit .. at all? All said and done I figured out how to work it .. I now can heal all heroics in my sleep .. they are actually dull now but I still do em because with only 2 hours a night to play if I can't get into a good raid quickly .. I have to do what I can.. I have tank healed, raid healed, naxx, ony 10 and 25, toc 10 and 25, voa, OS .. I haven't gotten to do alot of the other raids as its just too hard to get into them at 11pm knowing I am going be passing out by 1am :-) But I really want to get into Ulduar, my guild is teaming up with another guild to start tackling it .. so I might be able to slide in there for a couple bosses at a time if they are still running by the time I get on ..
So that was my journey, tomorrow, I will talk about my Kels, as she is now, her gear, her stats, her spec how she gems, and how she heals in heroics/tanks/raids..
Decision Point
6 years ago
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